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Here are the current guitar lessons and there's plenty more on the way. The free TABs are available for download under each video. 

Lots of work goes into these materials. If you'd like to help with expenses do feel free to 'Buy me a coffee' — no pressure though.

Huge thanks to the people who have offered support already.




Ry Cooder



Other songs and solos


David LinDley

* Please note that these materials are made available for personal educational use only. 
  Original copyright stays with the rightful owners — thanks.

Coming Soon

1. Winter — Always thought that Mick Taylor's solo work on this track 

sounded a little like slide so I am preparing a backing to see how it sits in practice...


2. Over the Rainbow — Jeff Beck's version of the old classic is a song I've wanted to learn for a few years. Got a strat set up with the right trem float and have started to TAB it. Update on this one: sold the Strat...I have the TAB though, email me if you'd like it.  


3. Once upon a time in the west - Morricone's sublime theme song for the movie of the same name, using Buddy Eamon's live version as a guide. 

4. Vigilante Man (Live in San Francisco); Ants and Chimps. 

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